• Om Afstøbningssamlingen
  • Tidslinje
  • Afstøbningssamlingens fødsel
  • Co-creation 2010-19
  • Samlingens historie
  • Myten om de lave besøgstal
  • Gips er posh
  • International vurdering
  • We Are Travelers
  • Opstillingen i Vestindisk Pakhus
  • Kunst og Museum 1980
  • Rapport fra Ledøje 1981
  • Kulturministeriets udvalg 1982
  • International vurdering

    this internationally important collection

    I anledning af nedlukningen af Afstøbningssamlingen i 2002 udtalte et internationalt forsknings- og evalueringspanel i en rapport om SMK:

    The future of this collection and any possibility for further research under the auspices of the Statens Museum for Kunst, has been seriously compromised by the decision to make the staff – curatorial and others – redundant, reducing access to one day per month or by special arrangement. The Panel deplores the consequences of this decision and urges the Ministry of Culture and the Museum to do everything possible to re-appoint a curator with appropriate support, so that the educational and research potential of this internationally important collection may be developed.

    The Evaluation Panel draws attention to the fact that apart from the research in progress by the former curator of the Cast Collection, whose employment has now been terminated, there is no research work of any kind currently in progress at the Statens Museum for Kunst, as far as the sculpture collections are concerned, nor has there been any in recent years.

    Desværre ligeså aktuelt i dag som i 2002.


    the most fruitful possibilities for future interdisciplinary research

    Afstøbningssamlingens betydning og potentialer blev beskrevet i 1996 af det internationale forskningspanel, der dengang evaluerede SMKs forskning:

    One of the most notable recent achievements of the Museum has been the installation and full opening to the public of the Royal Cast Collection, which is very distinct from the rest of the Royal Fine Arts collections in the nature of its material as well of its location. The collection has already been the subject of a publication: Ideal and Reality.
    In many respects the cast collection offers some of the most fruitful possibilities for future interdisciplinary research, as well as being a resource of great educational value. These issues are fully understood by the section which has excellent proposals for the interpretation of the collection, the main problem being the distance from proper library facilities. The Museum should ensure that the custodial commitments are so arranged to permit a regular block of time for research.
    Apart from the impetus provided by exhibitions, aspects of the permanent collection can also give raise to fruitful discussion within a public forum, for example the role played by casts in the reception of antiquity in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries.